Extra info
Orders will be sent once a week.
Outside Latvia, shipping may be delayed up to 2 weeks.
The next store update will be at the beginning of January.
Due to seed preparation, order processing may be delayed up to 10-15 days. Sorry for the delay and thank you for your understanding.
Rubīna pārsteigums (Ruby Surprise)
Out of stock
Japāņu sirds (Japanese Heart)
Out of stock
Ņinas trifeles sirds (Nina's Truffle Heart)
Out of stock
Krasavec mužčina
Out of stock
Chorniy Prints Kazakhstanskiy
Out of stock
Melnais imperators (Black Emperor)
Out of stock
Royal Purple
Vecmāmiņas siltums (Babushkino Teplo)
Out of stock