Extra info
Orders will be sent twice a week. On Mondays and Thursdays.

Rubīna pārsteigums (Ruby Surprise)
Out of stock
Japāņu sirds (Japanese Heart)
Out of stock

Ņinas trifeles sirds (Nina's Truffle Heart)
Out of stock

Melni pelēcīgs (Chernose seroste)
Out of stock

Babajevas šokolāde (Babaeva chocolate)
Out of stock

Krasavec mužčina
Out of stock

Chorniy Prints Kazakhstanskiy
Out of stock

Out of stock

Melnais imperators (Black Emperor)
Out of stock

Royal Purple
Out of stock

Vecmāmiņas siltums (Babushkino Teplo)
Out of stock